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5 Views · 2 years ago

List of Animals! Learn animals vocabulary/ animal names through pictures:

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5 Views · 2 years ago

This video shows the top 100 most endangered animals. I think when watching this video people should try and feel just how much damage we as a collective whole do to our environment and the animals and species within it.

Maybe it is too late to apologise but it is not too late to help these endangered animals re-establish their rightful place on the earth.

Check out the top 100 most endangered animals up to date below:

List of endangered animals in video:
1. African Wild Donkey
2. Amur Leopard
3. Anderson's Salamander
4. Araripe Manakin
5. Arctic Fox
6. Asian Lion
7. Asiastic Cheetah
8. Atlantic Ridley Sea Turtle
9. Axoloti Salamander
10. Bald Eagle
11. Beluga Sturgeon
12. Black Footed Ferret
13. Black Lemur
14. Blue Whale
15. Blue-Throated Macaw
16. Burrowing Owl
17. Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
18. Carolina Parakeet
19. Cerulean Warbler
20. Channel Island Fox
21. Coelacanth
22. Cook Inlet Beluga Whale
23. Cross River Gorilla
24. Desert Tortoise
25. Eastern Cougar
26. Eastern Timber Wolf
27. Eskimo Curfew
28. European Sturgeon
29. Fisher Weasel
30. Florida Black Bear
31. Florida Manatee
32. Galapagos (Flightless Bird)
33. Gaur
34. Giant Anteater
35. Giant Armadillo
36. Giant Panda
37. Golden Seal
38. Gopher Tortoise
39. Gray Wolf
40. Greater Bamboo Lemur
41. Greater Prairie Chicken
42. Green Turtle
43. Green-Cheeked Parakeet Parrot
44. Grey Whale
45. Grizzly Bear
46. Hawaiian Monk Seal
47. Hawksbill Sea Turtle
48. Humpback Whale
49. Iberian Lynx
50. Imperial Amazon Parrot
51. Indian Rhinoceros
52. Javan Rhino
53. Kagu
54. Kakapo Owl Parrot
55. Killer Whale
56. Komodo Dragon
57. Leatherback Turtle
58. Lynx
59. Manatee
60. Mediterranean Monk Seal
61. Mexican Spotted Owl
62. Mexican Wolf
63. Mohave Ground Squirrel
64. Monarch Butterfly
65. Monkey Eating Eagle
66. Mountain Gorilla
67. Mountain Lion
68. Narwhal
69. North Atlantic Right Whale
70. Northern Fur Seal
71. Northern Spotted Owl
72. Onager
73. Orangutan
74. Peregrine Falcon
75. Philippine Eagle
76. Piping Plover
77. Pronghorned Antelope
78. Przewalski's Hore
79. Puerto Rican Parrot
80. Pygmy Hippopotamus
81. Red Wolf
82. Saola Vietnamese Antelope
83. Sei Whale
84. Shortnose Sturgeon
85. Snow Leopard
86. Snowy Owl
87. Sonoran Pronghorn Antelope
88. Spix's Macaw
89. Swift Fox
90. Takahe
91. Tapir
92. Thick-Billed Parrot
93. Trumpeter Swan
94. Vancouver Island Marmot
95. Vaquita
96. Western Snowy Plover
97. White Pelican
98. White Rhinoceros
99. Wolverine
And finally 100 the Woodland Caribou

Now I never pick favourites but isn't that snow leopard absolutely amazing (number 85)
Basically this video is to show you the next blog series happening on which is Endangered Animal of the Week. Every week an in depth analysis of one of these incredible animals will be posted on

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5 Views · 2 years ago

We all love to pet a good dog or scratch a cute cat behind the ears, but not all animals are fluffy bundles of joy we can snuggle up with. Some should absolutely never be touched, no matter how tempting! These are dangerous animals you should never touch!

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5 Views · 2 years ago

How well do you know your animal general knowledge trivia? Test yourself with this animals pub quiz!


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Good luck and have fun!

** Animal General Knowledge Pub Quiz Trivia Questions And Answers:

1. How many stomachs do cows have? - Four stomachs
2. What color is octopus blood? - Blue
3. Which farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw? - Sheep / Goat
4. Which animal has the nickname: “Flying Fox”? - Fruit bats
5. Which bird has the largest wingspan? - Wandering Albatross
6. Under the white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin? - Black
7. Which bird can fly backwards? - Hummingbird
8. Which animal has 32 brains? - Leeches
9. What is the largest member of the cat family? - Tiger
10. What is the name for a long mobile nose such as an elephant trunk? - Proboscis
11. What kind of fish is Nemo from “Finding Nemo”? - Clownfish
12. Which continent is the home of the aardvark? - Africa
13. A sloth or sleuth is a group what animal? - A sleuth of bears
14. What is the term for the fear of animals? - Zoophobia
15. What is the main source of the koala’s diet? - Eucalyptus leaves
16. How many legs (including claws) does a lobster have? - 10
17. A mule is the offspring of which 2 animals? - Male donkey & female horse
18. What breed of cow is shown in the picture below? - Holstein
19. The name of the ape “Orangutan” are 2 Malay/Indonesian words that means what? - Person of the forest
20. Where would you find a polar bear? - The Arctic
21. Guess the cat breed below. - Tabby Cat
22. How many eyes does a caterpillar have? - 12 (6 pairs) of eyes
23. Maguro is the Japanese name for this fish and is the most used for sushi. - Bluefin tuna
24. Where would you find a snow leopard? - Himalayas
25. What is a male duck called? - Drakes
26. True or false? Grasshoppers existed long before dinosaurs. - True
27. What is the smallest mammal in the world? - Bumblebee bat
28. What do you call a young swan? - cygnet
29. What is the smallest dog breed? - Chihuahua
30. Which fly is responsible for spreading Trypanosomiasis aka “sleeping sickness”? - Tsetse fly
31. What is the United Kingdom’s only venomous snake? - Adder
32. Which mammal has the thickest fur? - Sea otters
33. What makes up 99% of the panda’s diet? - Bamboo
34. True or false? Owls cannot move their eyeballs because their eyes are actually tubes! - True
35. What type of animal is a Russian Blue? - A breed of cat
36. Which animal’s reproductive organ explodes and then dies after mating? - Male honeybee
37. How many bones does a shark have? - None. They have cartilage.
38. Which animal has the largest eyes? - Colossal Squid
39. What is the most common command taught to dogs? - “Sit”
40. In World War 2, the Americans tried to train these animals to drop bombs. - Bats
41. What were the first living creatures to be sent to space? - Fruit flies
42. What do you call a group of kittens? - A kindle of kittens
43. What is the color of a hippopotamus’ sweat? - Reddish / Pink
44. Guess the dog breed pictured below! - Rhodesian Ridgeback
45. What animal is the closest living relative to the T-Rex? - The chicken
46. What is the origin of the name “porcupine”? - Porc d’espine (thorny pig)
47. What do you call a group of camels? - A caravan of camels
48. How do dolphin communicate with one another? - Echolocation, clicking, whistling, flipper splashing, spy hopping
49. What is a scut? - Short tail of a rabbit, hare, deer
50. Guess the animal pictured below. - Portuguese Man O’War

Thanks for playing the Animal General Knowledge Quiz! How much Animal trivia did you know?

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5 Views · 2 years ago

There are so many species of animals out there already, but they are getting a bit boring, aren’t they? Why not combine some and get double the bang for your buck? These crazy combo hybrid creatures are all the rage (apparently) and we humans seem to be creepily interested in making more of them…

From the snazzily dressed Zorse to the climate-controlled Grolar Bear, here are 20 of the Rarest Cross Breed Animals in the World.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

This Earth Day, stay in and explore the beauty, drama and spectacle of our natural world with 50 incredible natural history moments from BBC Earth based on what you've been liking and sharing. This is the third of five videos.


#NaturalHistory #StayInAndExplore

Watch more:
Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Planet Earth II
Planet Dinosaur

Why Do Cats Miaow? - Cats Uncovered
Spider Shoots 25 Metre Web - The Hunt
Pack Of Wolves Hunt a Bison - Frozen Planet
Hungry Polar Bear Ambushes Seal - The Hunt
Polar Bear vs Walrus - Planet Earth
How do Cats Use Their Whiskers? Slow-Motion - Cats Uncovered
The Bowerbird's Grand Performance! - Life Story
Extraordinary Octopus Takes To Land - The Hunt
Antlion Cone Death Trap - The Hunt
Spider Dances For His Life!! - Life Story

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

10 Animals That Saved Peoples Lives

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We often talk about humans saving animals. We put ourselves out there, as the ones who save the day, as nature’s biggest helpers, always ready to take all the credit. But how often have we celebrated the times when an animal put itself at risk for the sake of a human being? We probably don’t do that often, because people don’t seem to pay too much attention to that. But just because we don’t talk about it, it doesn’t mean there haven’t been any heroic acts by animals.

Today I want to present to you a list of ten animals that saved people’s lives. These acts of heroism will likely put a smile on your face, or maybe even make you cry a tear or two. One thing is for sure, the lives of ten people were saved thanks to the actions of ten animals. You won’t believe what animal number one did for a human! You’ll want to have this one by your side if you ever have an emergency.

10. Dory The Rabbit

Heroes come in all sizes and here’s a rabbit that can prove that to you. When Simon Steggall became unconscious while watching TV, his wife Victoria thought he had simply fallen asleep. However, Dory, the house rabbit, knew something wasn’t right and started jumping on Mr. Steggall’s chest until his wife came over to notice that something was wrong and immediately called an ambulance. Dory knew that she was not allowed on furniture and Victoria kept telling her to get off Mr. Steggall’s chest - but her constant tapping made Mrs. Steggall become aware of the problem and do something right away. An interesting fact is that Mrs. Steggall was working for an ambulance service back then and the house rabbit noticed the problem before she did. She was obviously ashamed, but thankful to have such a helpful and stubborn rabbit in the house.

Never underestimate the potential of the pets you have at home! You never know when they’ll come to rescue your life.

9. Lulu the Vietnamese Pig

Lulu’s act of heroism happened at a time when social media and memes were not a thing. Otherwise, she would have been more famous than what she was back in 1998, when she saved the life of her owner. It all started when Lulu’s owner, Jo Ann, had a heart attack and her husband was on a fishing trip. Besides Lulu, there was a dog named Bear, an American Eskimo that started barking hopelessly trying to get someone’s attention. When Lulu realized that Bear’s efforts were pointless, she decided to get out of the yard where she was kept. She got hurt in the process, but she finally made it to the middle of a main road where she started playing dead. Some people thought she was just a cute playful pig, but someone finally noticed that Lulu was trying to give a warning. The person followed Lulu all the way to her house and that’s how they were able to get help for Joan. What a brave a determined pig!

8. Jambo the Gorilla

When we think of Gorillas and zoos, most of us probably think of Harambe and the controversial end of his life. But there’s another gorilla out there that also came face to face with a child, his name is Jambo and he became a hero back in 1986 when a five-year-old boy fell inside his enclosure. The boy was unconscious, which would make anyone think he was an easy prey for the gorillas. However, Jambo immediately came to caress the boy and stood by in order to protect him from other gorillas. Back then, people didn’t have cell phones like today, but a lot of people recorded the event with photographs and home videos, which helped others learn about the protective and caring nature of gorillas. Some people out there should go watch these videos and learn about how helpful gorillas can be if you don’t stress them out. There’s no need to shoot them, and there’s definitely no need for kids to be climbing down to their enclosures. Leave the gorillas alone!

7. William the Chatty Parrot
William, or Willie - as his family would call him, was a very chatty parrot. But Willie used this attribute to save the life of Hannah, a two year old who was choking so badly to the point that her face started to turn blue. Megan, who was Hannah’s babysitter, was taking a bathroom break when the incident happened.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

What is the toothiest critter that ever lived on our planet? For example, the strength of human jaws is about 160 pounds per square inch. It’s good to break some tough cookie or a pistachio shell, which is enough for survival in our harsh modern world. But what about more serious contenders?

A mastiff is among the mightiest friends humans have, and it can easily snap a thick branch in two. A lion can show 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! But did you know that the hyena’s jaw force is higher than that of both lion’s and tiger’s? Well, if hyenas were not cowardly, they would probably be among the most feared animals of the savannah!

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Human 0:20
Dog 0:57
Lion 1:25
Bengal tiger 1:54
Hyena 2:15
Grizzly bear 2:46
Gorilla 3:20
Hippopotamus 3:54
Jaguar 4:24
American alligator 4:56
Saltwater croc 5:22
White shark 6:08
T-Rex! 6:38
The absolute champion of the bite force contest 7:28

#animalfacts #strongestanimals #brightside

- A mastiff enters the stage and walks with dignity to show its strength. It opens its jaws and clenches them over the device… 550 psi!
- The next contestant is the king of the jungle himself — meet the mighty lion! Ooooh, it shows 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite!
- Bengal tiger leaps forward and sinks its huge fangs into the measuring device, which shows… 1,050 psi!
- But when it comes to forest animals, no creature can compete with the grizzly bear. It shows 1,200 psi!
- Although gorillas are gentle, making one of them angry certainly shouldn’t be on your agenda.
- A hippopotamus is an unpredictable animal. It may look sweet, but it’s considered one of the most dangerous species of Africa.
- Jaguars easily crush bones with their long, sharp teeth, so it’s no wonder that they outbite all the rest of the feline family.
- Saltwater crocodiles patiently wait for the prey in the waters of the river and are very quick to attack. No wonder it’s the biggest land animal and reptile in the world!
- A great white shark ferociously sinks its many crooked teeth into the device, showing 4,000 psi! Its bite force has never been directly measured, but the estimates show these astounding figures.
- Scientists have estimated that the maximum force of T-Rex' bite could reach the astonishing 12,000 psi!
- The frightful Deinosuchus dwelled the oceans millions of years ago and hunted dinosaurs that were careless enough to wander into the crocs’ territory. At 23,000 psi, nothing could ever beat this monster!

Music by Epidemic Sound

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5 Views · 2 years ago

Here are the top 10 strongest animals on earth.

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10 Strongest Animals In The World

5 Views · 2 years ago

I Survived 100 DAYS as a HORSE in HARDCORE Minecraft! Today, we'll explore the Minecraft OVERWORLD like never before! As a HORSE, my goal is to build the BEST HORSE STABLE for me and my ANIMALS, build the best HORSE STATUE, and then finally EXACT REVENGE on the MYSTERIOUS BEAST for destroying my village!

5 Views · 2 years ago

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5 Views · 2 years ago

Cheetahs have a reputation for speed. While the big cats may be able to reach speeds of 75 mph, it's nothing compared to the top speeds of other animals. It's not even the fastest mammal! Here are the fastest animals on Earth.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

This video is all about the fastest organisms in air, water, and land. The fastest land animal is the cheetah, which has a recorded speed of between 109.4 km/h (68.0 mph) and 120.7 km/h (75.0 mph). The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and the fastest member of the animal kingdom, with a diving speed of 389 km/h (242 mph). The fastest animal in the sea is the black marlin, with a recorded speed of 129 km/h (80 mph).


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5 Views · 2 years ago

Hope you enjoy these cute animal videos. I'm very passionate about animals, dogs, cats, whatever you name it! This channel is dedicated to bring you the cutest and most adorable animal compilations you have ever seen. Subscribe if you liked it!

00:00 nick.milette
00:05 theparrotlady
00:13 oreo.the.piggie
00:28 fenixprancealot
00:37 meiko_maria
00:44 milkjarlol
00:53 jessleedb
01:03 thepuglevi
01:11 jebunggg
01:18 junothemalamute
01:26 sealrescueireland
01:34 syllapris
01:44 pishoolak
01:52 girl.wonderlost
02:02 aseelj1
02:10 blondehairstylist
02:19 _iambrey
02:34 im.diffferent
02:46 aari_x_
02:54 yazzy.bazzi
03:07 kellyandkody
03:17 viljacockapoo
03:26 nesyna
03:39 house.of.slobber
03:58 cat_h0use
04:18 poppy_the_prairie_dog
04:31 mintyminde
04:41 lespatichons
04:53 thortheshiba1
05:06 lumisnowbengal
05:17 andersenivonne6
05:32 oliviafayemusic
05:48 thepetcollective
06:05 kirbythelovebug
06:16 eeveethefox
06:28 chipmunksoftiktok
06:47 hayleehimel
07:08 cooperthecocker_
07:16 jeyessica
07:32 chantyb97
07:42 jojobean588
07:54 pandahome08
08:07 lifeofhedgehog
08:24 tutiandyuki
08:35 amberobrien22
08:52 coreyhahn_
09:07 mrkermitmeow
09:21 phoenixherp
09:33 libraryofalexa
09:46 rexthegermansheperd
10:01 konathehusky
10:16 yeahimcaroline
10:31 aussi_chandler
10:41 dropbackchi
11:06 ellieopdycke
11:20 _darswish
11:45 animalsdt
12:04 tofuthecat2020
12:21 lindseykaye32
12:38 callmecourtnay
13:00 abrameng
13:14 katiesquibb
14:02 calicosistersnz
14:20 jace_and_nuka_mallielife
14:52 jc_murphy
15:03 thejordanroe21
15:19 gogofunny
15:46 jerrythedogo

5 Views · 2 years ago

Top 10 Fastest Men In The World | 100m

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5 Views · 2 years ago

Top 5 male sprinters of all time over 100 metres.
Please note the official IAAF ratings have Gay ahead of Blake.

5 Views · 2 years ago

Top 10 Fastest Football Players 2020
Compilation of fastest football runs from world's fastest players

Ranking is not solely based on their top speeds but on the basis of how consistently they reach the speeds of 30+ km/h and overall speed statistics

To catch all the latest actions from world of football, follow us on Instagram:​​

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10.Track: Hysaze & Cemre Emin - Legends
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9.Track: SDMS - Intruder
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8.Track: TRVNSPORTER & VØJ & Godmode & MXVH - Impact
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7.Track: Lucha & RYVN - Unbreakable
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6.Track: Satara - Another You
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5.Track: NOIXES, RVPTR & GODMODE - Machine
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4.Track: 2nd Life - Confidence
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3.Track: Blame Connor & X-Ray - Pandora
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2. Calli Boom & LAUTRE. - Reverie
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1.Track: Crank - Morrocan Thug
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5 Views · 2 years ago

Top 10 fastest treadmill runner in the world | Running Speed of 23.5 MPH luis badillo jr.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

Timeline of the fastest 100m runners through history, from 1970 to 2020. Enjoy!

Data source: IAAF Official Ranking


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100m sprints runner track and field 2019 World Record
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5 Views · 2 years ago

Counting down the fastest players to ever play in the NFL.

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In the NFL, speed kills. Even as kids, playgrounds around the world are filled with races just to see who is the fastest. No wonder we obsess over speed. Being the fastest player in the league at any point puts you in a small club of players. But being one of the fastest players in history gets you on today’s list, the fastest players in NFL history.

Top 10 Fastest Players In NFL History

Showing 41 out of 108