Pets & Animals

5 Views · 2 years ago

10 Animals That Saved Peoples Lives

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We often talk about humans saving animals. We put ourselves out there, as the ones who save the day, as nature’s biggest helpers, always ready to take all the credit. But how often have we celebrated the times when an animal put itself at risk for the sake of a human being? We probably don’t do that often, because people don’t seem to pay too much attention to that. But just because we don’t talk about it, it doesn’t mean there haven’t been any heroic acts by animals.

Today I want to present to you a list of ten animals that saved people’s lives. These acts of heroism will likely put a smile on your face, or maybe even make you cry a tear or two. One thing is for sure, the lives of ten people were saved thanks to the actions of ten animals. You won’t believe what animal number one did for a human! You’ll want to have this one by your side if you ever have an emergency.

10. Dory The Rabbit

Heroes come in all sizes and here’s a rabbit that can prove that to you. When Simon Steggall became unconscious while watching TV, his wife Victoria thought he had simply fallen asleep. However, Dory, the house rabbit, knew something wasn’t right and started jumping on Mr. Steggall’s chest until his wife came over to notice that something was wrong and immediately called an ambulance. Dory knew that she was not allowed on furniture and Victoria kept telling her to get off Mr. Steggall’s chest - but her constant tapping made Mrs. Steggall become aware of the problem and do something right away. An interesting fact is that Mrs. Steggall was working for an ambulance service back then and the house rabbit noticed the problem before she did. She was obviously ashamed, but thankful to have such a helpful and stubborn rabbit in the house.

Never underestimate the potential of the pets you have at home! You never know when they’ll come to rescue your life.

9. Lulu the Vietnamese Pig

Lulu’s act of heroism happened at a time when social media and memes were not a thing. Otherwise, she would have been more famous than what she was back in 1998, when she saved the life of her owner. It all started when Lulu’s owner, Jo Ann, had a heart attack and her husband was on a fishing trip. Besides Lulu, there was a dog named Bear, an American Eskimo that started barking hopelessly trying to get someone’s attention. When Lulu realized that Bear’s efforts were pointless, she decided to get out of the yard where she was kept. She got hurt in the process, but she finally made it to the middle of a main road where she started playing dead. Some people thought she was just a cute playful pig, but someone finally noticed that Lulu was trying to give a warning. The person followed Lulu all the way to her house and that’s how they were able to get help for Joan. What a brave a determined pig!

8. Jambo the Gorilla

When we think of Gorillas and zoos, most of us probably think of Harambe and the controversial end of his life. But there’s another gorilla out there that also came face to face with a child, his name is Jambo and he became a hero back in 1986 when a five-year-old boy fell inside his enclosure. The boy was unconscious, which would make anyone think he was an easy prey for the gorillas. However, Jambo immediately came to caress the boy and stood by in order to protect him from other gorillas. Back then, people didn’t have cell phones like today, but a lot of people recorded the event with photographs and home videos, which helped others learn about the protective and caring nature of gorillas. Some people out there should go watch these videos and learn about how helpful gorillas can be if you don’t stress them out. There’s no need to shoot them, and there’s definitely no need for kids to be climbing down to their enclosures. Leave the gorillas alone!

7. William the Chatty Parrot
William, or Willie - as his family would call him, was a very chatty parrot. But Willie used this attribute to save the life of Hannah, a two year old who was choking so badly to the point that her face started to turn blue. Megan, who was Hannah’s babysitter, was taking a bathroom break when the incident happened.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

People have been domesticating animals since the ancient times. Animals like horses, goats, pigs and cows, as well as many others. So what if these animals were to be released into the wild, what would happen to them? Would they survive? And how would their behavior change? Sure, no one would do that on purpose, but there’s one place on Earth where, by the will of fate, it did happen. There are also rumors that real mutants live there as well.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Animal cross breeding is something humans have been trying out for a long time. And there are some species who can be bred together naturally to create an entirely new animal. It’s a pretty fascinating subject and people have even speculated what might happen if you could cross humans with other species. Like wolves. Then you end up with Wolverine and that’s pretty cool. Or Spiderman with spiders. In fact practically all superheroes are some kind of animal cross breed so we’re taking a look at some super animals that have come from cross breeding. From the striped big cat that also has a mane, to the huge predator that loves to climb, here’s the 15 Rarest Cross-Breed Animals In The World!

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3 Views · 2 years ago

From pigs to bees to parrots - here are some of the most intelligent animals from the BBC archive!

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Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Planet Earth II
Planet Dinosaur

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

A predator is an animal that survives by killing others, and an apex predator is a predator at the top of a food chain, with no natural predators. Here are the 10 deadliest predators in the world!
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4 Views · 2 years ago

Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia. The animal kingdom emerged as a basal clade within Apoikozoa as a sister of the choanoflagellates. Sponges are the most basal clade of animals. Animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently at some point in their lives. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as they develop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later in their lives. All animals are heterotrophs: they must ingest other organisms or their products for sustenance.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

This Earth Day, stay in and explore the beauty, drama and spectacle of our natural world with 50 incredible natural history moments from BBC Earth based on what you've been liking and sharing. This is the third of five videos.


#NaturalHistory #StayInAndExplore

Watch more:
Planet Earth
Blue Planet
Planet Earth II
Planet Dinosaur

Why Do Cats Miaow? - Cats Uncovered
Spider Shoots 25 Metre Web - The Hunt
Pack Of Wolves Hunt a Bison - Frozen Planet
Hungry Polar Bear Ambushes Seal - The Hunt
Polar Bear vs Walrus - Planet Earth
How do Cats Use Their Whiskers? Slow-Motion - Cats Uncovered
The Bowerbird's Grand Performance! - Life Story
Extraordinary Octopus Takes To Land - The Hunt
Antlion Cone Death Trap - The Hunt
Spider Dances For His Life!! - Life Story

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

There are so many species of animals out there already, but they are getting a bit boring, aren’t they? Why not combine some and get double the bang for your buck? These crazy combo hybrid creatures are all the rage (apparently) and we humans seem to be creepily interested in making more of them…

From the snazzily dressed Zorse to the climate-controlled Grolar Bear, here are 20 of the Rarest Cross Breed Animals in the World.

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7 Views · 2 years ago

The difference between pets and wild animals is the number of humans they kill yearly. For some of the animals on the planet, they are not worth our friendships. Stay tuned to this channel to catch the tiniest detail about the most dangerous animals in the world.

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00:00 Intro
00:12 Elephants
01:13 Tsetse flies
02:22 Kissing bugs
03:22 Crocodile
04:28 Freshwater snail
05:20 Mosquito
06:26 Brazilian wandering spider
07:50 Snakes
08:53 Pufferfish
10:07 Komodo dragon


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3 Views · 2 years ago

In the animal kingdom, you're either the hunter, or the hunted. For this list, we'll be ranking the most deadly or efficient predators from the animal kingdom. Our countdown includes Grizzly Bear, Cougar, Black Mamba, Anaconda, Lion, and more! Did YOUR favorite animal predator make the list? Let us know in the comments!

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5 Views · 2 years ago

How well do you know your animal general knowledge trivia? Test yourself with this animals pub quiz!


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Good luck and have fun!

** Animal General Knowledge Pub Quiz Trivia Questions And Answers:

1. How many stomachs do cows have? - Four stomachs
2. What color is octopus blood? - Blue
3. Which farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw? - Sheep / Goat
4. Which animal has the nickname: “Flying Fox”? - Fruit bats
5. Which bird has the largest wingspan? - Wandering Albatross
6. Under the white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin? - Black
7. Which bird can fly backwards? - Hummingbird
8. Which animal has 32 brains? - Leeches
9. What is the largest member of the cat family? - Tiger
10. What is the name for a long mobile nose such as an elephant trunk? - Proboscis
11. What kind of fish is Nemo from “Finding Nemo”? - Clownfish
12. Which continent is the home of the aardvark? - Africa
13. A sloth or sleuth is a group what animal? - A sleuth of bears
14. What is the term for the fear of animals? - Zoophobia
15. What is the main source of the koala’s diet? - Eucalyptus leaves
16. How many legs (including claws) does a lobster have? - 10
17. A mule is the offspring of which 2 animals? - Male donkey & female horse
18. What breed of cow is shown in the picture below? - Holstein
19. The name of the ape “Orangutan” are 2 Malay/Indonesian words that means what? - Person of the forest
20. Where would you find a polar bear? - The Arctic
21. Guess the cat breed below. - Tabby Cat
22. How many eyes does a caterpillar have? - 12 (6 pairs) of eyes
23. Maguro is the Japanese name for this fish and is the most used for sushi. - Bluefin tuna
24. Where would you find a snow leopard? - Himalayas
25. What is a male duck called? - Drakes
26. True or false? Grasshoppers existed long before dinosaurs. - True
27. What is the smallest mammal in the world? - Bumblebee bat
28. What do you call a young swan? - cygnet
29. What is the smallest dog breed? - Chihuahua
30. Which fly is responsible for spreading Trypanosomiasis aka “sleeping sickness”? - Tsetse fly
31. What is the United Kingdom’s only venomous snake? - Adder
32. Which mammal has the thickest fur? - Sea otters
33. What makes up 99% of the panda’s diet? - Bamboo
34. True or false? Owls cannot move their eyeballs because their eyes are actually tubes! - True
35. What type of animal is a Russian Blue? - A breed of cat
36. Which animal’s reproductive organ explodes and then dies after mating? - Male honeybee
37. How many bones does a shark have? - None. They have cartilage.
38. Which animal has the largest eyes? - Colossal Squid
39. What is the most common command taught to dogs? - “Sit”
40. In World War 2, the Americans tried to train these animals to drop bombs. - Bats
41. What were the first living creatures to be sent to space? - Fruit flies
42. What do you call a group of kittens? - A kindle of kittens
43. What is the color of a hippopotamus’ sweat? - Reddish / Pink
44. Guess the dog breed pictured below! - Rhodesian Ridgeback
45. What animal is the closest living relative to the T-Rex? - The chicken
46. What is the origin of the name “porcupine”? - Porc d’espine (thorny pig)
47. What do you call a group of camels? - A caravan of camels
48. How do dolphin communicate with one another? - Echolocation, clicking, whistling, flipper splashing, spy hopping
49. What is a scut? - Short tail of a rabbit, hare, deer
50. Guess the animal pictured below. - Portuguese Man O’War

Thanks for playing the Animal General Knowledge Quiz! How much Animal trivia did you know?

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4 Views · 2 years ago

This list shows some prominent animals that went extinct within well-recorded history (past 200 years). Dates of extinctions may vary according to multiple sources. Also, the dates shown here may not be actual dates of extinctions.
Most of the dates only show last sightings made in wild by experts and many just show dates when the last individual animal died in captivity.

This channel provides information about rare and extinct animals and aims to spread awareness to preserve what is left with us. It helps spread knowledge about past and current fauna and how can we slow or stop the process of extinction among current populations of animals. It spreads words about the natural beauty of this earth and animal rights to live and coexist with human beings.
Remember, Extinction is forever!

Unfoldment, Revealment, Evolution, Exposition, Integration by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



4 Views · 2 years ago

Today, we’re bringing you the 10 CUTEST Animals You Should NEVER Touch. Better stick around for #1, because you should seriously reconsider before making THIS popular rodent one of your household pets. Quick hint: it’s a lot cuter than a rat. We know it’s hard to turn down a soft hug from a koala or a play-date with a dog-like dingo, but some of the world’s most adorable animals are indeed best left alone, as they could quite literally kill you with their cuteness. Seriously. You should never judge one of these sweet creatures by their welcoming appearance. One of them carries an ancient disease we haven’t seen in over 700 years, and another has got enough venom to kill you thirty times over, and some of the others will straight up just claw your eyes out. So before you go petting one of these “angels,” sure they’re not one of the 10 animals you’re about to see.

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Number 10 Slow Loris

They’re shy, they’re slow––and just look at those eyes! Can you imagine anything cuter? Well, you probably should since the Slow Loris one of the most poisonous mammals in the world! Weirdly enough, the venom is laced with the glands in their elbows, which they rub onto their hands and lick up with their mouths before transferring a dose of toxicity with a simple bite. It’s highly uncommon for a mammal to carry venom as is, and scientists have compared the poison of a slow loris to that of a king cobra–! The fact that they seem to like us humans makes it even harder to resist the puppy dog eyes and slow movements of a Slow Loris. But even if a Loris bites you by accident, you could go into anaphylactic shock or experience all other sorts of dangerous conditions. On the bright side, a bite from a slow loris is only fatal if you’re allergic to the toxin. But, do you really want to take the chance of hugging a Slow Loris to find out? It’s like playing a really adorable version of Russian roulette! And if you’re rethinking adopting the loris as a pet, just wait until you see animal number 1!

Number 9 Leopard Seal

You certainly wouldn’t expect any danger from those puppy eyes, would you? But did you know the only natural predators of Leopard Seals are killer whales and great white sharks? They may look happy all the time, but leopard seals are secretly deep-sea killers that lure in their prey with underwater melodies and their sweet, unsuspecting smiles. These guys have been known to decapitate penguins and drown humans. And it’s never a quick death either, as these guys like to sharpen their hunting skills by playing with their prey before killing it. Even if you did manage to befriend a seal, a playful bite from one of these slippery animals could infect you with cellulitis and cause your skin to swell up! All that to say: you should probably rethink your wish of swimming and cuddling with these sea puppies before sacrificing yourself to these Gods of the ocean.

Number 8 Koala

Those fluffy ears and beady eyes sure make them look cute and cuddly, but you should think twice before picking up and hugging a koala. These tree-dwelling creatures look deceptively adorable but Koalas are known to chase and claw at your eyes if they feel threatened––and it’s not hard to provoke one! In December 2014, a South Australian woman received a vicious bite after trying to protect her two dogs from an aggressive koala. We humans often mistake them for bears, but they’re actually marsupials, meaning they’re far more closely related to the equally-cute kangaroo and wombat. We know––it’s hard to resist using baby talk when you see one of these real-life stuffed animals at the zoo, but marsupials are not meant to be coddled or pet.

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9 Views · 2 years ago

Have you ever seen an animal with such deadly mouth? Or terrifying teeth like these? Teeth are already weird as it is. Think about it. They’re the only part of your skeleton which is exposed. What’s weirder is that some animals have way too many of them, like the great white shark. Then there are some that have fake teeth and look like a made-up creature themselves too. Yes, we’re talking about the Promachoteuthis Sulcus Squid! Some animals don’t even have jaws and manage to have teeth like the terrifying lampreys.
Here are 25 Deadliest Animal Mouths that will make you hide under your blanket!

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2 Views · 2 years ago - Help support more content like this!
Have you ever wondered which animals could run the fastest? Here's a list of the 10 fastest runners on the planet! You knew about the cheetah, but did you know that lions, ostriches, greyhounds and hares all make the cut? Watch and see what other animals can run the fastest!

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4 Views · 2 years ago

The animal kingdom is getting a little chubby! These animals may have eaten a bit too many treats! Here are the fattest animals ever seen.

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12 Views · 2 years ago

Animals are fun to sing about! They make funny noises and they have some really curious habits too...Here is a collection that kids will simply adore, it has Top 100 Animal rhymes most loved by all!

Titles Included:

Old MacDonald
Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
Five Little Ducks Went Out One Day
The Animals Came In Two By Two
Three Young Rats
Hey Diddle, Diddle
The Ants Go Marching
Hickory Dickory Dock
Baa, Baa Black Sheep
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Little Robin Redbreast Sat Up On A Rail
This Little Pig
Goosey, Goosey Gander
Ding Dong Bell
Incy Wincy Spider
The Farmer In The Dell
Bow , Wow, Says The Dog
Alice The Camel
Piggy On The Railway
Two Birds
She'll Will Be Coming Around The Mountain
Cat's Sleep Anywhere
Once I Saw A little Bird
Vintery, Mintery, Cutery Corn
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Three Blind Mice
Pop Goes The Weasel
As I Was Going To St. Ives
Five Little Monkeys Hanging On The Tree
Little Robin Redbreast Sat Up On A Tree
Ride Baby Ride
Bow, Wow - Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Bow-Wow
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Birds Of A Feather
Sing A Song Of Six Pence
Little Arabella Miller
Little Miss Muffet
Two Little Dicky Birds
Hickety Pickety
A Hunting We Will Go
The Cuckoo
Six Little Mice Sat Down To Spin
Kitty White
A Swarm of Bees in May
For Want Of A Nail
Where Has My Little Dog Gone
Bat, Bat Come Under My Hat
Lady Bug
A Cat Came Fiddling
Old Mother Hubbard
This Little Froggy
Lion And The Unicorn
Three Young Rats
Dickery, Dickery Dare
Three Little Kittens
Five Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day
Little Poll Parrot
Little Rabbit
Bell Horses
Hello Rabbits
Easter Bunny
Cocks Crow
Welcome Cow
Bonnie Bee
Little Tommy Tittlemouse
The Boy and The Little Sparrow
Pussycat Ate The Dumpling
A Wise Old Owl
Twenty White Horse
Diddlty, Diddlty Dumpty
I Had A Little Pony (His Name Is Daple Gray)
To Market, To Market
Swan, Swam Over The Sea
I Love Little Pussy
I've Got A Horse
Hark! Hark!
A Little Golden Fish
Cuckoo, Cuckoo
Tom, Tom, The Piper Son
Cackle, Cackle
ABC, Tumble Down D
If I Had A Donkey
I Saw A Ship A Sailing
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
If Wishes Were Horse
Little Bo Beep
One To Make Ready
A Little Boy In The Barn
Deep Blue Sea
Great 'A', Little 'a'
Round And Round The Garden
Elsie Marley
On My Pony
Five Colorful Birds
A Rabbit Came Out
Five Little Naughty Mice
My Puppy
Yellow Ducky
Rabbit Astronaut
I love My Puppy
Ten Little Pigs
Five Dangling Teddies
The Tortoise's Wish
We Love To Play
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Butterfly, Butterfly

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6 Views · 2 years ago

See 100 different animals in one video! Follower challenged me to fit 100 animals into a single video! JOIN THE MOVEMENT!!
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About Brian Barczyk:
Hey, I'm Brian Barczyk from SnakeBytesTV, AnimalBytesTV and Discovery channel's series Venom Hunters. Follow the Barczyk family and I as we share our lives as reptile breeders. We post daily vlogs each day at 9:00 AM (EST)! We are reptile breeders of snakes, geckos, blue-tongued skinks as well as all other animals. I also travel around the world doing amazing animal adventures. As far as snakes I breed corn snakes, milk snakes, king snakes, rat snakes, Ball pythons, Sand boas, Woma Pythons, Spotted Pythons, Children's pythons, Carpet pythons and more! Besides breeding, I have two dogs, Burmese pythons, Reticulated pythons, Tortoises, Lizards and an American alligator. Thank you for watching and don’t forget to check out my vlogs to go around the world with me!!


Brian Barczyk

6 Views · 2 years ago

10 Biggest Animals In The World

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I’m pretty confident to say that all of us here love animals! Whether it’s your pet at home or an animal you spot at the zoo or during a safari trip, I’m sure you have a favorite animal! Today I’ll be showing you 10 of the biggest animals in the world! Get ready for some big insects, big reptiles and big mammals - the animal kingdom is taking over today.

Do you know what’s the biggest animal on Earth? If you are good at biology, you might know who’s the number one on this list! And if you don’t know the answer, then today is the day to find out! Whether you’re an expert in animals or not, I’m sure you’ll have fun watching this video. Stay with me all the way to the end to find out some crazy facts about them.

The Goliath Frog

The name of this frog speaks for itself. If you think frogs are scary, wait until you meet the Goliath Frog. This amphibian is so big that sometimes it can reach the same size of a domestic cat! And with a frog this big you can only expect a lot of crazy high jumps as well - the goliath frogs can reach heights of up to 3 meters as they leap around! They can easily jump over your head if they wanted to. But don’t expect any noise from them. These frogs are mute.

Other names for this frog are “Goliath Bullfrog” and “Giant Slippery Frog.” You can find them around Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea in a very limited space. Their habitat is slowly being destroyed due to pet trading and other industries that threaten their space. I understand they’re exotic and interesting animals, but I’m sure you’ll agree that they should be left alone in the little habitat they have.


If we took into account all the birds that have existed, the one on this list wouldn’t be here. An extinct version of the albatross was the largest bird on Earth at some point. But today on this list I’m giving you: The Ostrich, the largest living bird. They can be as high as 2.7 meters and weight as much as 344 pounds. Not only their bodies are large, but their eyes are also the largest bird eyes ever - they are 5 centimeters long! Ostriches don’t fly, but they are known to be good runners, which comes in handy when predators or humans come around to mess with them - but they could easily kill you with one kick if they wanted to. If we want to keep them as the largest birds on Earth, we gotta take better care of them. Their population has significantly decreased over the last 200 years and most of the remaining ostriches in the world are in farms and parks.


This list wouldn’t be complete without the tallest animal dwelling on land: The Giraffe. With a neck as high as 1.8 meters tall, these animals live off vegetation in high trees where other animals can’t easily reach. These animals are tall even from the moment they are born! Baby Giraffes can be 2 meters high, which is taller than most of us humans. The tallest giraffe ever, whose name was George, was already taller than 5 meters at age nine! But there was another Giraffe named Zulu at a British zoo and Zulu was close to 6 meters high! Unfortunately, Zulu passed away before documenting his height in the book of Guinness World Records.

A cool fact about these animals is that each Giraffe has a distinct spotted coat, which is similar to our fingerprints - no two giraffes have the same pattern! This feature allows them to be easily individually identified. Although they’re a very common sight at any zoo, Giraffes can also be found in the wild throughout the Eastern and Southern parts of the African continent.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

We all love to pet a good dog or scratch a cute cat behind the ears, but not all animals are fluffy bundles of joy we can snuggle up with. Some should absolutely never be touched, no matter how tempting! These are dangerous animals you should never touch!

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